It never ceases to amaze me all the things that never cease to amaze me.

Like the moon when I see it.

I always gasp as though it is something new. I call a friend or two, Have you seen the moon?

They sigh, Oh!

And the way the buildings in the city, when seen from far, look as though they are painted across the sky.

And graffiti that looks like art.

And somebody else’s lips touching mine.

If I won the lottery tomorrow I wouldn’t change much. I wouldn’t buy a plane ticket. I wouldn’t quit my job.

But I would walk slower. I would memorize the bridge of your nose, the way it rises and slopes.

I would take nothing seriously and exalt it all.

Like the birds, the way they gather, as if being together is absolutely everything.

And then they go.


I want to believe


I walk,